The Biden Administration and Congress (controlled by Democrats) have spent trillions of dollars on all sorts of programs. Most of it is unnecessary government spending at a time when the national debt has increased even further, $30 trillion and ticking!

Instead of all of this government spending, the Congress and Biden Administration should have invested in the American people, not their government pet projects to make it look like they’re doing something about infrastructure, sustainable green initiatives, etc. There shouldn’t even be targeted tax credits going to certain segments of society or special help for “technology” companies. Big “tech” has not only invaded privacy, but, has used its tools to violate the sanctity of the electioneering process and free speech. As for student debt, the Wall Street institutions that the taxpayers saved during the 2008-2009 Great Recession should now be required to help erase student debt. And higher education institutions that have billions of dollars should also rise to the occasion.

Government spending should have provided trillions of dollars in direct tax cuts (payroll, business, income tax, etc.) for small business, the middle class and certain assistance for those who have economic struggles so that they can transition to the middle class.

Economic conditions are not good with high inflation (food, housing, fuel, etc.) and unending government taxation and spending! By providing direct tax cuts to the people, the approach can begin to correct the disparity in wealth distribution over decades between the “oligarchs” and the people. Economic trends must transition in support of all Americans. Elected officials and appointed policymakers should learn from the past blunders in military and foreign policy engagements. Foreign interventionism and wars should be halted!