Getting Back to Basic Common Sense

What does it take to realize “common sense” is needed in solving societal problems? Instead of certain politicians, including the current President, blaming and labeling others, they should look at their own actions. A few rules of common sense:

-Stop government spending (which is the people’s hard earned tax dollars) when we have a $30 trillion and ticking national debt;

-Start reducing taxation on all Americans, with the exception of “corporations” and the “oligarchy;”

-Start respecting human life at all stages, conception, cradle to grave;

-Stop unnecessary government mandates;

-Instead of the new found phrase of equity, inclusion, and diversity, just follow the “Golden Rule” which is a universal rule of human behavior (“Treat every human being as you would want to be treated.”)

-Stop engaging in foreign interventionist activities and war-making.

Unreasonable Public Policy Hurting Ordinary Americans

The Biden Administration and Congress (controlled by Democrats) have spent trillions of dollars on all sorts of programs. Most of it is unnecessary government spending at a time when the national debt has increased even further, $30 trillion and ticking!

Instead of all of this government spending, the Congress and Biden Administration should have invested in the American people, not their government pet projects to make it look like they’re doing something about infrastructure, sustainable green initiatives, etc. There shouldn’t even be targeted tax credits going to certain segments of society or special help for “technology” companies. Big “tech” has not only invaded privacy, but, has used its tools to violate the sanctity of the electioneering process and free speech. As for student debt, the Wall Street institutions that the taxpayers saved during the 2008-2009 Great Recession should now be required to help erase student debt. And higher education institutions that have billions of dollars should also rise to the occasion.

Government spending should have provided trillions of dollars in direct tax cuts (payroll, business, income tax, etc.) for small business, the middle class and certain assistance for those who have economic struggles so that they can transition to the middle class.

Economic conditions are not good with high inflation (food, housing, fuel, etc.) and unending government taxation and spending! By providing direct tax cuts to the people, the approach can begin to correct the disparity in wealth distribution over decades between the “oligarchs” and the people. Economic trends must transition in support of all Americans. Elected officials and appointed policymakers should learn from the past blunders in military and foreign policy engagements. Foreign interventionism and wars should be halted!

Establishing A Better World

In today’s tumultuous world, love of humanity is what is needed most. At the root, we are all the same. The greatest tribute to the latter truism, is the promotion of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Or, as my husband would simplify, “Treat every human being as you would want to be treated.”

Instead of the government (federal, state, local) mandating lessons in schools which are nothing more than the promotion of identity politics, separating groups of people by race, gender, etc., a simple lesson – about the “Golden Rule” (at home, in schools and throughout our communities in our nation and globally) would be the greatest teacher of how every human being is equal in worth; and how each person/individual deserves to be treated with love, respect, and compassion. Surely, that would promote unification, halt violence, wars, and promote peace.

Return Monies to Americans, Not More Government Spending

The country’s national debt stands at $22 trillion and it continues to surge. The upcoming presidential election requires essential focus on this national debt crisis. Americans listen to the corporate media and establishment’s pronouncements that the economy is doing fine. But, the gap in wealth and income distribution becomes wider as each year passes. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The middle class is shrinking.

Some of the Democratic presidential candidates propose raising the tax rate on the rich. But, with those additional revenues – if this tax policy were to be adopted – the Democratic candidates are pushing for targeted tax credits and/or more government spending for purposes they deem important. Enough is enough! Any new additional revenues realized from such a tax on the wealthy should go back to the people, not to government to spend more. The people (middle class and poor) should receive a tax cut so they can decide how much to save and how much to spend and for what purposes; not the government saying they are giving free college, tax credits for day care, etc.

If we would stop the unending wars, regional overseas conflicts, and foreign interventionism which have cost America trillions of dollars, and we would stop interfering in other nations’ affairs, replacing with friendly trading and commerce relationships, we can begin to start dealing with this overwhelming debt that will eventually make our country go bankrupt. If we are a nation that values liberty, freedom, prosperity and peace, our national public policies need to be reversed as the book “9/11 How America Changed” pontificates. In the closing chapter, the book states, “Americans must play a role in ending the wars, the tax thievery, the devaluation of the dollar by the Federal Reserve, other liberty-busting actions by the American government, and demonizing whistleblowers as ‘traitors.” As the book states, unless Americans become involved with their government at every level, further hardships, more military and foreign policy adventurism and blowback will occur to the point of “eventual disappearance of liberty, peace, and prosperity.”

The call-to-action is for every American to be a civic participant or else the two party system and the fourth estate will continue to misrepresent information that is vital for informed judgements that help restore an exceptional nation, based on a moral sphere of actions.

— Deborah K. Smarth, Manalapan


Sorry, but the American economy isn’t just Fine: Letter

Some congressional candidates’ campaign literature states that the economy is fine. They praise the corporate tax cuts under Trump’s enacted tax reform proposal and reference “how the stock market is at an all-time high,” making it sound like everyone is benefiting. Let’s come back to reality. Here are some important facts that show the opposite. So, voters don’t be fooled by the campaign propaganda!

►The World Economic Forum cites that minimum wages are higher in 10 advanced industrial countries as compared to the U.S. (after taxes are deducted from an individual’s wage payment);

►The average CEO of S&P 500 companies made 347 times more money than an average production and non-production supervisory worker at $37,600; the median pay for CEOs of such major companies is $11.5 million;

►Just under half of the population is living paycheck to paycheck; a May 2016 poll indicated. “Two thirds of Americans would have difficulty coming up with money to cover a $1,000 emergency.”

►The gap between the richest Americans and the rest of the population widened after the Great Recession, deepening inequality;

►A recent, past Oxfam Report indicates that the wealthiest 1 percent of the world’s population “will own more wealth than the other 99 percent.”

►47% of 55- to 62-year-old Americans would run out of funds necessary to pay for basic retirement expenditures if they retire at age 65.

►New jobs (in general) pay less than pre-2008 recession jobs; wages are rising at a snail’s pace.

►A 2017 Gallup poll indicates that in the post-recession, the percentage of Americans investing in the stock market declined to 54 percent. In addition there has been a surge of individual investors who entirely exited the stock market. Only 37 percent of younger Americans under 35 invest in the stock market post-recession.

►Some large corporations pay no federal taxes. Amazon, a perfect example, had profits of $5.6 billion, but paid no federal income taxes for 2017; however, it will receive a $137 million federal tax refund. The law allows this?

So, how do candidates for Congress or any public office suggest that our American economy is just fine as a result of Trump’s tax reforms? That takes gall!

Deborah K. Smarth
